New RPM Program Protects Owners from Late Paying Tenants

Ever just wish your tenants would pay their rent on time, every month, and not hassle you with a reason (read “excuse”) why they are going to be late?

Well, at RPM we’ve created a program that gives you (the landlord) the peace of mind knowing that if your tenant pays late, you’ll still get your money on time, no matter what. No more need to worry about late rent payments, excuses like “the check’s in the mail” or “I lost my paycheck and I need to get it re-issued before I can pay you” (As the author of this blog, I have personally heard all of these excuses and I can say…. What a pain!)

So, what do we call this amazing program where we guarantee that you (Landlords) get your money on time, every time even if the tenants don’t pay on time, or at all? Well, we call it the “Rent Guarantee Program” of course!
There are some 3rd party companies out there that have called themselves “revolutionary” and have done this same program, charging individual Landlords up front costs of 5-7 times as much as RPM is charging this same program.
Real Property Management is allowing people to pay for this program on a monthly basis instead of paying in a lump sum, and being that our plan is 1/8th of the cost the next closest plan and our plan carries NO RISK OR OBLIGATION and you can CANCEL AT ANYTIME!

We will pay the Landlord the rent regardless if their tenant pays their rent on time, and send it off (without the corresponding excuses… we figure we can handle that part for you, afterall, that’s why you hired a property management company) and we will deal with the rent collection. Then when the tenant does finally pay, then we will go ahead and worry about getting reimbursed. All for one low flat fee per month.
Want more information about the program? Simply click the Contact Us button on and we’ll shoot you a call or an email with more info.