Louisville Gets a Star
Many cities are focusing their efforts on sustainability, which means becoming more forward-thinking and planning for continued success in the future. On August 1, Star Communities, an organization that evaluates sustainability efforts, named Louisville a four-star community. This is a national award, and Louisville is now the 10th city in the country to receive the distinction.
Sustainability can be a somewhat nebulous goal. I think we can all recognize that to be sustainable is to maintain a certain level or rate for the foreseeable future. However, when applied to a city or community, with its many facets and interlocking pieces, how do we determine success? Not every aspect of a community is easily measurable, so how do we track progress?
When evaluating Louisville, Star Communities looked at the city’s green development, such as the housing project Shepard Square, as well as programs and studies focusing on environmental concerns like the tree canopy and the city’s forested areas. Obviously, environmental issues are a primary concern, as are economic success and quality of life for the city’s citizens. So how does one measure quality of life?
These questions exceed my level of knowledge, but I do know that even though city’s success may be recognized in an award given to the collective people, the contributions to that success are given by individuals. Each of us can contribute. Do you volunteer? Donate? Recycle? Tell us what you’ve done lately for your community!
For more information and the local news coverage of this event, please visit the WLKY article, here.