Why Landlords Should Always Require a Tenant Background Check...
As a landlord, it is important that you protect yourself from…
What "Smart Growth" Could Mean to Your City
On a very basic level, Smart Growth is an urban planning and…
What's a TIF?
And no, I don't mean the file type extension (like .jpg, .pdf,…
Workplace Safety for Realtors and Leasing Agents
When I first began working as a leasing agent, many people asked…
Louisville Gets a Star
Many cities are focusing their efforts on sustainability, which…
Green Roof and Wall Symposium in Louisville
Jefferson Community and Technical College in Louisville, KY recently…
Shipping Container Houses
An interesting housing trend which has been gaining traction…
April is Fair Housing Month
This April marks the 47th anniversary of the Federal Fair Housing…
Should the Suburbs be Considered for Historic Preservation?
2016 will mark the 50th anniversary of the National Historic…
Daylight Saving Time!
Just a friendly reminder that daylight saving time begins at…