General Steps with 4 or more risers have a handrail
Smoke detectors on every level (including basement)
Management and tenants have working keys to all doors
Electrical Outlets secured with proper covers & Operating properly
Light switches and fixtures secured with proper covers & operating properly
Junction box covers in basement, no broken or frayed wiring
Plumbing Faucets installed and functioning properly & not leaking
Drains installed and functioning properly & not leaking
Toilets installed and functioning properly & not leaking
Piping installed and functioning properly & not leaking
Wall & Ceilings Structurally sound, all interior/exterior painting in good repair
No holes, cracks or leakage
Windows Windows safe and functioning properly
No broken, cracked or missing panes
Doors Hung Properly
Hardware attached and operational
Floors Floors should be sound, no holes or large cracks
Floors covering should be installed & clean
Stove & Refrigerators All knobs, handles, parts should be present
All components clean and properly working
Infestation Unit should be free of roaches, bedbugs, fleas, ants, mice, rodents, and pests.
Exterior Grass & Bushes should be cut & trimmed, Yard free of trash, litter & clutter
No abandoned/ unlicensed vehicles
Gutters, soffits, siding, downspouts should be in good repair
Paint should be free of peeling, chipping, bare or damaged surfaces
Paved surfaces should be in good repair
Heating Furnace should be clean & operate properly
Have a clean newer filter
Flue pipe on furnace secure, not show deterioration and have proper rise
Hot Water Tank operating properly
Proper relief valve & tube, and no leakage
Flue pipes on hot water tank secure not show deterioration and have proper rise


Since these are not HUD guidelines, they are just RPM Property Standards, these are in no way an all-inclusive list for a property to be “Section 8” Certified or “approved”; rather, these are minimum standards Agent will strive to achieve at all times, in every unit Managed under this contract. If items are “tenant responsible” repairs that must be done to meet these standards or 2.7, Agent will repair at Owner’s expense, and do it’s best to bill and collect funds from the tenant for items.