What do Millennial Tenants Want?
What do Millennial Tenants want? A LOT of Landlords spend a LOT of money trying to figure out what tenants want. Many landlords spend money without even knowing really what they are doing. Some successfully make improvements trying to “guess” what tenants want, some just intuitively know. Some are just a little less successfully. So, what do today’s tenants really want? Well, we’ve put a lot of research into this post and thought and work into our answer so you get the best visual of “What Today’s Millennial Tenants Want”… Look no further than the experts at Real Property Management for the BEST, most up to date, accurate Answers on What Tenants Want: What do Millennial Tenants want?
When buying property, here’s our BEST TIP: Location is more important than price…. and the one thing you can’t change about your real estate… Location, Location Location…. Be careful where you buy! You can always change the price. Or it will always be changed for you by market conditions.
The research conducted herein was taken from the “Today’s Millennial Renters”. One Example…
Toping the List- Tenants would rather have convenient Parking over having a Pool. Who would have known! That’s why we do the research!
Among Best Amenities, Walk in Closets top the list followed by in unit laundry and a balcony.
Renter Turn Offs– Bad Odors Top the list of things that will make tenants high tail it out of there, including carpet in the bathroom, and broken appliances.
Find out what your tenants like, and what they don’t want, and you’ll be on your way towards getting the best tenants, and keeping them.
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